Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 1 Wimba (Archive) - Reflection

While I’m watching the archive, I can hardly believe that we are really this close to being done with the program; is exciting yet scary at the same time. However, I must remind myself that due dates are an extremely important key to my success this month. I must really push myself to stay focused and stay on task.

Another thing that appeals to me is that Joe wants us to not just regurgitate what we heard or say, but just take a few minutes and think it and then share our thoughts. That puts my mind at ease a little. And then he says, “I don’t want to freak you out TOO much!” That can’t be good!! HAHA When he starts talking about converting our lit review to “web ready” format, I get excited! I know…I’m a nerd. As I watch the archive, I am reminded, again, of how these professors have our best interests in mind and how they want to see us succeed. That, to me, is very refreshing.

Then we start talking about the publish/presentation project!!!! It’s hard to imagine that I will actually have something that I can share with my professional community both local and abroad. I look at this as possibly being my own CBR Project others might implement and discover their results and then share them with many others and myself. I already know (I think I know) that I would want to present. I already have several place that I would like to present. One would be an annual convention that takes place every year in Arkansas and another is an international convention that takes place in Chicago for my profession. “The road we’re on” only leads to success!!!

Yeah…I’m gonna like this!!!!

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